Lessons from Driving School About Overtaking in NSW

Lessons from Driving School About Overtaking in NSW

While driving a car on NSW roads, some special laws and regulations must be followed to overtake bikes safely. Everyone on the road must obey these rules to be safe and protected. Failure to adhere to these rules can result in loss of penalty points, a substantial penalty, or an accident in the worst-case situation. So, what are these rules to be followed when overtaking in NSW? Here in this blog, the local driving school in Kellyville has presented a brief insight into these specific rules to be followed while overtaking cyclists in NSW. Please have a look:

NSW Rules while Overtaking Cyclists: When overtaking a bicycle on NSW roads, the regulation is that the motorist must maintain a safe distance between the vehicle and the bike. The vehicle must maintain a safe distance from the rider when overtaking a bicycle.

The distance you need to maintain between your car and the cycle will depend upon the speed limit of the lane you are driving and the live speed of your vehicle on the given point.

While overtaking or passing another vehicle, every driver must maintain a safe distance. However, if you are driving a heavy vehicle like a truck or a camper van, the distance has to be more than what you maintain when you drive a car or other small vehicles.

Can You Overtake a Cyclist by Crossing Double Lines?

If it is safe, you can cross double lines while overtaking a bicyclist. You must be aware of any incoming cars and maintain a clear view of them. If no vehicles are approaching you on the opposite side of the street and it is safe to do so, you can quickly overtake and cross the white double lines.

Can You Overtake a Bicyclist by Crossing Unbroken Lines?

In NSW, driving regulations enable you to overtake a bicyclist by crossing over unbroken lines. First, ensure a safe passing distance while overtaking a bicycle rider. In this way, you can easily avoid these situations.

Can You Go Faster Than the Speed Limit to Pass a Cyclist?

You can’t do it. But you should not break the speed limit when passing a bicycle, or you will be fined. In reality, you must not exceed the speed to overtake a bicyclist because their speed is significantly slower than that of a car. It’s basic sense to wait for a safe chance to pass at a moderate pace.

If the Bicycle is in the Center of the Highway, How Can I Maintain a 1-meter Gap?

Cyclists may take up the entire lane and even ride two alongside. In this scenario, you must handle them as if they were a different car and overtake them as required. That implies you must still maintain a safe distance and wait until it is safe to proceed.

When Passing or Overtaking Cyclists, What Should You Do?

When passing or overtaking bikes on NSW roads, you should adhere to the laws in place to ensure public safety. Put your right blinker on if there is no car behind you and safe to overtake. It would also be best for everyone who is not interested in losing demerit points and paying penalties. Pass the bicyclist on the right side, allowing a sufficient distance. Adhere to the regulation while overtaking another vehicle if the cyclist is riding in the centre of the road or if riders are riding two abreast.

Most significantly, ensure there is no incoming traffic and that overtaking is safe. However, it is the responsibility of everyone who shares the road to keep it secure. Keeping an eye on each other should be your first concern.

So, if you are eagerly looking to learn proper driving lessons in Kellyville, Contact us today. Our L Driving School won’t disappoint you, while our expert driving instructors will help their best to provide you with practical and advanced driving lessons in an effective manner. For more details, you can call us today or drop a message in the below comment box.