Driving Tips

Dangers of Aggressive Driving and a Driving School’s Tips to Avoid Them

No driving school will encourage you to go for aggressive driving. It is dangerous, to say the least. Before we discuss the dangers, let us know what aggressive driving is. Technically speaking, aggressive driving is a set of driving offences, which a driver intentionally or unintentionally, commits while driving. The offences may include

  • Speeding and tailgating
  • Running the red lights
  • Ignoring the road signs
  • Cutting in front of another vehicle
  • Changing the lanes by not making any signal
  • Blocking other vehicles, and attempting to pass or change lanes
  • Passing the prohibited zones, and the likes

Dangers of Traffic Collisions

One of the most common dangers of aggressive driving is collision. When you drive your car aggressively, you run the real risk of getting head on with other vehicles, as you do not have control over your vehicle. When you drive your car at high speed you tend to lose control over your vehicle. That is the reason, your driving instructors in Kellyville will always suggest refrain from aggressive driving of any form.

Injuries and Damage to the Properties

When you drive aggressively, it leads to injuries both for you as well the other drivers and even the pedestrians. And this is not only about injuries, you may actually run into mishaps that may lead to serious property damage. And more importantly, it may lead to fatalities. Even if it is not for you, and for others, it will, needless to say, put you in the biggest trouble of your life, beyond any doubts.

Fines and Penalties and Jail Terms

Speaking about the troubles that were mentioned in the earlier point, they may include fines and penalties from the authorities and even jail terms in worst case scenarios. If nothing else happens, it will lead to booking, and earn you demerit points and even lead to cancellation of your licence. These are reasons enough for the driving school in Kellyville to instruct you to abstain from aggressive driving.

It Has Some Hidden Costs

When you drive your car aggressively, you do all sorts of things that you are not supposed to do. You accelerate rapidly, you apply sudden and aggressive brakes, you do things that put pressure on the gear stick (provided your car is a manual one). Thus, your car depreciates further, compelling you to get it to a repair store. And then, there are instances of dents and scratches that need to be amended as well, and they do not come free.

Besides, if you have a history of bookings on your licence owing to aggressive driving, you will not get a very healthy insurance coverage.
Therefore, the cautious words from your driving school in Quakers Hill are very much justified.

It Affects the Environment as Well

Last but not the least, aggressive driving affects the environment as well. Well, you may have not seen it in advance, but when you drive aggressively, it influences fuel consumption, as well as the emission rate. And alongside, noise pollution is also a side effect of aggressive driving.

That is the reason, when you enrol in a reputed driving school near your location by using key phrases like ‘driving school near me’ its instructors will guide you how to avoid aggressive driving and drive in a proper and safe manner. What better name can you opt for than L Driving School? Call us today to enrol for a driving lesson of your choice.